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Breath. Awareness. Strength. Alignment.


It is that simple.  BASA is grounded in Hatha Yoga practices, and draws in distilled wisdom from complementary lineages - Pilates, Qi Kong, Shou Shu, and AcroYoga.  How these discipline and play practices intertwine create an uprightness in both physical and emotional bodies, boosting both physical and emotional health.


Potency in breath practices builds effortless posture.  Awareness is cultivated through meditation techniques and mindful movement.  This is the foundation for embodying strength through asana, intuitive flow and even connective partner practices.  Alignment is the piece that allows for prana - life force - to move and increase.


So, shall we?  Join us for one of our online classes or an upcoming training.

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I am João.

Meet João

See it Jew-wow

Just one moment of grace can be the gateway to a lifetime of yoga practice. For me, that moment was witnessing the cleansing ritual of nauli (rolling of the internal organs) at the age of 17 with my first yoga teacher, Teresa Milanez.

Since then, I have steeped myself in the interdisciplinary practices of asana, yoga philosophy, kirtan, acrobatics, and anatomy - - learning breath, awareness, strength, and alignment through many powerful modalities I found along the journey.


This curiosity led me to become certified in multiple lineages and methods of movement, mindfulness, and play - Hatha Yoga, AcroYoga, ThaiVedic Yoga, Swasthya Yoga, Yoga Therapy, Pilates.

Through teaching classes, immersions, and trainings in Brazil, Argentina, California, France and Indonesia for the last 15 years, I remain as curious as I was that first day with my root teacher.

João's Education

  • Uni-Yôga Teacher Training & Continuing Education- 1000+ hours (2001-2006)

  • Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute - Advanced Teachers Training Course (2010)

  • AcroYoga Montreal Teacher Training (2011)

  • Claudio Fernandez - Ancient Hatha Yoga Teacher Training (2012)

  • Pilates Teacher Training (2013)

  • Yoga One Santa Rosa - 200-hour Teacher Training (2014)

  • Tantravaya Yoga - 300-hour Teacher Training (2016)

  • ThaiVedic Yoga - 200-hour Teacher Training (2017)

Get In Touch

International Membership

Meet João:  "A message to you"


Subtle Yoga: Transcending the Physical Practice

6 hours

(day long or 2-day)

Designed for yoga teachers and practitioners alike, this workshop unveils energetic secrets of Yoga. During times when great emphasis is given to the physicality of this practice, we will delve into the core mudras, bandhas, and pranayamas. Experiencing the altered states of consciousness promoted by these practices calms the mind and connects you to your body and the sacred in profound ways.

Alignment and Breath

3 hours

Softness and Strength at once: experiencing alignment as the feeling of spaciousness in the body can revolutionize your asana practice. This course welcomes yogis of all levels who have a beginner’s mind and wish to be attuned to the synchronicity of posture and breath. These are a must to an injury-free, ultra-aware, and prana-abundant practice.

BASA Posture Clinic

2 hours

Giving you what you need to maintain posture, strength and tone. This clinic teaches how to effortlessly gain muscle tone by reprogramming your poise, breath and body awareness. Strong muscles will fail to support the body if they lack tone, so on top of strengthening techniques you will also learn how to stay in good posture. This clinic sheds light on common misalignments and effective ways to reprogram them.

Pranayamas of Hatha Yoga

3 hours

For many centuries yogis have mastered their life force called prana via their breaths. This thorough course offers an in-depth approach to classical pranayamas in the hatha yoga tradition, teaching their specific usage and ways to individualize. Going beyond theory, we will explore ways to embody them so you can effectively incorporate them into your practice.

Meditation Redefined

2 hours

The legendary medieval Hatha Yogis revealed the secrets to deep meditative states. This practice uses subtle keys and pathways in the body to soften and quiet the mind that can help one break through their resistance to “sitting still”. We will learn to integrate it into our yoga practice and build a solid foundation for a meditation routine.

AcroYoga: The Power of Connection

4 hours

This practice will make you laugh, will make you stronger, and will make you bond with your community. AcroYoga blends the strength of acrobatics, the creativity of dance, the awareness of yoga and the therapeutics of Thai massage into one practice. This workshop is a safe intro to this practice, welcoming all levels and all bodies of all ages.

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