
Breath. Awareness. Strength. Alignment.
It is that simple. BASA is grounded in Hatha Yoga practices, and draws in distilled wisdom from complementary lineages - Pilates, Qi Kong, Shou Shu, and AcroYoga. How these discipline and play practices intertwine create an uprightness in both physical and emotional bodies, boosting both physical and emotional health.
Potency in breath practices builds effortless posture. Awareness is cultivated through meditation techniques and mindful movement. This is the foundation for embodying strength through asana, intuitive flow and even connective partner practices. Alignment is the piece that allows for prana - life force - to move and increase.
So, shall we? Join us for one of our online classes or an upcoming training.

I am João.
Say it Jew-wow
Just one moment of grace can be the gateway to a lifetime of yoga practice. For me, that moment was witnessing the cleansing ritual of nauli (rolling of the internal organs) at the age of 17 with my first yoga teacher, Teresa Milanez.
Since then, I have steeped myself in the interdisciplinary practices of asana, yoga philosophy, kirtan, acrobatics, and anatomy - - learning breath, awareness, strength, and alignment through many powerful modalities I found along the journey.
This curiosity led me to become certified in multiple lineages and methods of movement, mindfulness, and play - Hatha Yoga, AcroYoga, ThaiVedic Yoga, Swasthya Yoga, Yoga Therapy, Pilates.
Through teaching classes, immersions, and trainings in Brazil, Argentina, California, France and Indonesia for the last 15 years, I remain as curious as I was that first day with my root teacher.
International Membership